Zeal for Life

“Improved mood; Increased positivity; Stronger vigor; Better vitality.”

Zurvita – a higher way of life

If someone told me to pick a time in life where I felt my health journey began, I would have to say it was when Zeal was introduced into my life. That was about 4 years ago. A friend of mine began selling it, and the information sounded more than intriguing. I silently stalked her for a while, because .. well .. isn’t that what we typically do? And when I finally decided that I couldn’t NOT ask some questions, I contacted her. She gave me her spiel, but as I am a skeptic by nature, I told her I wanted to speak with someone of authority; say, like, a doctor. An hour and a half later, after speaking with a doctor from Illinois, I decided I needed it in my life.

So –

What is it?

Zeal is functional food. It is my “quick and easy fix” when I feel like I am not doing enough to be healthy. When I may slip on feeding my body the nutrients that it deserves (because I am a choc-o-holic .. more on that later). Zeal is simply (although, there isn’t much that is “simple” about it) superfoods, adaptogenic herbs and minerals that feed your body the stuff that makes sure it will function properly!

Mango = my favorite!

Because Zeal is a combination of whole foods, it means they are bioavailable, so they are able to get directly into the cells of your body and go to work right away repairing damage. When you take a vitamin that is in a pill form, the body is unable to digest, absorb, assimilate and utilize the majority of what is actually listed on the label. That would be why Zeal is in a powder form that you drink with water.

What does it do for me?

I can remember, vividly, before I started using Zeal, pulling into my driveway after work, and putting my head down on my steering wheel. I would close my eyes, and beg the universe to just give me a moment to rest. I was so tired that I couldn’t even function. I hated it. Coffee wasn’t doing it, energy drinks weren’t making the cut (and I knew that they were SO BAD for me!), but I didn’t know what it was that I needed. Once I started drinking Zeal (it is just an ‘add water and mix’ sort of product) I stopped needing to use my steering wheel as a pillow.

But more energy was just the start of things – I could think more clearly; I was nicer to people (I definitely needed this part); and I just felt, overall, healthier.

Zeal lists other effects as well: less hunger, less aches and pains, less feelings of sadness and anxiety – but for me, these were perhaps secondary to what I felt within my energy levels.

Wild Berry on ice!

Why does this sound like a sales pitch?

Well, I guess in a way, it kind of is. I didn’t set out for it to be – as I mentioned in a past post (I believe it was my Essential Oils post), I don’t talk about, recommend, or support anything, unless I have used it and have witnessed the product’s results. So, I simply wanted to tell you about something that has helped, inside and out, for me. However, the difference from my Essential Oils post and this post is, Zeal helped my family so much (myself, my husband, my sister at one point, my children, etc.) that I decided I needed to begin sharing it, and I became a representative for the company that makes Zeal – Zurvita. It simply made it easier for me to get the product into the hands of my friends and family.

A mix of flavors!

What else is there?

While Zeal is Zurvita’s flagship product, they also have a pre- and post- workout formula; protein for shakes (which is hands down the most delicious protein I have ever tasted – and I have tasted many!); a weight-loss pack, that includes Zeal, their protein, a burn, and cleanse product; and amino acids. Currently, I take Zeal, the amino acids, and the cleanse product. I used to use both their protein and their burn product, but I rotate through the various products, depending on what I feel I need or may be missing from my day-to-day intake.

All of their products are developed by a scientific advisory board, and that board is comprised of scientists, formulators, and doctors, which means the products are of the highest qualities and have been made safely.

Another point to note, Zurvita also offers a Zeal sample pack, so you can try the product – see how it makes you feel – and taste many of the flavors (it comes in wild berry, lemon lime, grape, tropic dream, mango, and kiwi watermelon) for like $12.00. Crazy steal.

As I have mentioned a handful of times before (if you follow my posts at all), I wanted this site and this community to be all about the little tiny changes that you can make, that make your life – your health and your happiness – better. My whole goal is to talk about things that I know have helped me, and to let you know that it doesn’t have to be a complete overhaul. Nor does it have to be hard, expensive, or time consuming. Because hard, expensive, and time consuming, is too much to keep up with.

That is why Zeal makes the cut: one drink a day, and it provides your body with every bit of nutrients that it isn’t getting from our soil, and from the standard American diet. It is a “one and done” kind of mentality, and I don’t know about you, but in the craziness of life, I can live with that.

**There are links to my Zurvita account throughout the posting, but for ease, it is listed here, too: https://www.zurvita.com/hmorgan/en/us/.